Monday 10 December 2012

Introduce Your Partner

Assalamualaikum. Hye guys. How are you? BEL 311 class have start at 2.10p.m until 4.00p.m at Dewan Sri Peria. I'm very happy because Dewan Sri Peria near the college. It's not problem for me to come early. Today Miss Zu want to pick a random number from 1 until 14 for introduce about my friend and share 4 fact about my friend. So, she have picked a number. I forgot about this number but Nadia and Nawi are from this number. They are not ready to introduce their friend. So, Miss Zu have angry with the group presentation . Then, she gives 10 minutes to discuss with your partner. My partner is Bella. I waited my turn to introduced my friend. Until class ended, my name have not picked.  It's okay. We continue introduce my partner at tomorrow because timeout. Wait my entry tomorrow. 

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