Tuesday, 19 March 2013


Assalamualaikum. Hello guys. Today I am absent but I have MC to give Miss Zu. I give Zubaidah to submit my argumentative essay. So, they are my full essay. I do not have many idea to write.

Women are becoming bolder as well as more aggressive and men are more sensitive. Agree or disagree with this statement. Support your opinion with reasons and examples.

Women are becoming bolder as well as more aggressive and men are more sensitive. In this era of globalization, women are more successful than men and becoming more independent. Although the number of women more than men that are strong claim that men are becoming bolder than women because men is leader in family.
Firstly, women more aggressive than men because they want to protect themselves. Nowadays, many criminal cases in Malaysia such as murder, burglary, shoplifting and other serious crime. No woman wants to find herself in a dangerous situation, but it happens. According to Rape, Abuse and Incent National Network (RAINN), someone in the US is sexually assaulted every two minutes, while the National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) reports that three women die every day as a result of domestic violence. For precaution, women must to learn martial arts like taekwondo. Nevertheless, men are rescuer when women have a big problem.
Besides that, most university students are women. We can take example from UiTM students which are 75% students are women and 25% students are men. Women very hard working when study and need to struggle to get good job after he graduated. On the other hand, women must know that men are leader for women include leader of the class or organization. In addition, we can take example from Prime Minister in Malaysia which are all prime minister is men.
Some people may disagree with this idea, women more aggressive than men because women bring their problems to workplace. Women more emotional stress than men because of sensitivity to hormone, said Fiona.M. (2010). Many women change their appearances to become border than men with have reached higher positions in workplace that are same level with men in a workplace. Nonetheless, men hide their problems to workplace. They are very intelligent to solve their personal problems than women.
In conclusion, women still need men to encourage them to achieve successful in their life and men is a role model for women to protect them from any dangerous.

Fiona, M (2010, June 2010).Mail Online. Women more prone to emotional stress than men          “because of sensitivity to hormone”. Retrieved March 15, 2013, from      http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1286817/Women-prone-emotional-stress-men-       sensitivity-hormone.html

Monday, 18 March 2013



Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Argumentative Essay

Assalamualaikum. Today Miss Zu teaches us about Argumentative essay. She said argumentative essay must have words “should be”. For example you have been asked to write an article entitled “Why Sports Should Be made Compulsory in School” for your College bulletin. Now, I can understand how to differentiate types of essay. Miss Zu gives topic about “Organ Donation Should Be Encouraged among Malaysian”. She wants our classes do the thesis statement. Then Miss Zu chooses Sarah and Bariah thesis statement for give example to our class. Sarah agree in the thesis statement while Bariah disagree in the thesis statement.

So, thesis statements agree:
Although, organ donation brings negative perception towards Malaysian society, here are strong evidence that organ donation should be encouraged among Malaysian to give a second life to the patient.

Thesis statements disagree:
Despite the claim that organ donation is seen as noble action and gives benefit towards people who needed, organ donation should not be encouraged among Malaysian because it can affect not only the donors but as well as the donors’ family.  

Before end the class, Miss Zu give homework to our class which are write argumentative essay. The topics that she gives are “Women are becoming bolder as well as more aggressive and men are more sensitive. Agree or disagree with this statement. Support your opinion with reasons and examples”. We must submit an essay at Monday, 18 March 2013.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013


Yesterday Miss Zu said today class is cancelled. Yeah !!! Thanks Miss Zu. Class cancel because 14 people from my class went to Persada. 

Monday, 11 March 2013

Speaking Practice Part 2

Assalamualaikum. Today Mss Zu want to do speaking practice again but today she choose group 5 which is Rozita, Dieba, Pqa and Wassim. Whoa !! I think they are the best group. Everyone have many point and they give good interaction. They also use transitional words that Miss Zu give last week. Miss Zu want to our class give marks for group 5. After they finished, Diba got 12 marks,Wassim got 12 marks, Pqa got 12 marks and Rozita got 15 marks. Congratulation to their group. At 3.30 p.m Miss Zu want to our class do speaking test in group. My group is Izzat, Syafiqah Salleh and Atikah Ahmad.  Real speaking test for my group is 14 March 2013, 7.50 p.m at U214. 

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Replacement Class: Compare and Contrast Essay

Tonight is replacement class but I absent because I have a test. Sorry Miss Zu.  I know tonight Miss Zu want to teach about Compare and Contrast Essay. It essay have two pattern which are: 


Differences A & B
Differences A & B
Similarity A &B


Similarity & Differences about A
Similarity & Differences about B

Speaking Practice Part 2

Assalamualaikum. Today Miss Zu do speaking practice again for preparation real speaking test next week. Firstly, she divides us into group. My group is Syafiqah Salleh, Ika Ahmad and Ijat. After she explained about speaking test, she choose Ana's group as example for speaking test next week. The title that given is "Malaysian are generally not punctual and this bad habit is often seen when they attend formal functions. However, punctually is a good habit should be cultivated. Discuss ways Malaysian can overcome this problem of being habitually late. Decide on one or more effective way(s) to do this. Give for your choice(s)".
For speaking test BEL 311, we will give 1 minute to read the question, 5 minutes to write your own point and 20 minutes for discussion. After speaking practice ended, Miss Zu discuss about giving mark to Ana's group. Before class ended, Miss Zu give us 6 set of questions of speaking test last semester. She need we practice the weekend. So, they are topic that Miss Zu gives:

SET 1:
Malaysian are generally not punctual and this bad habit is often seen when they attend formal functions. However, punctually is a good habit should be cultivated. Discuss ways Malaysian can overcome this problem of being habitually late. Decide on one or more effective way(s) to do this. Give for your choice(s).

SET 2:
Many obese people go for plastic surgery to improve their appearance. However, there are many dangers in doing this. Discuss ways obese people can improve their appearance without going for plastic surgery. Decide on one or more effective way(s) to do this. Give for your choice(s).

SET 3:
To have good and caring neighbours is important in maintaining peace and harmony in the neighbourhood. However, caring neighbours are becoming scarce today. Discuss ways to foster good relationship among neighbours. Decide on one or more effective way(s) to do this. Give for your choice(s).

SET 4:
There is an increasing number of homeless and runaway youths today. It has been found that among the causes of this are the high rates of physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect and parental rejection. Discuss how this problem can be resolved. Decide on one or more effective way(s) to do this. Give for your choice(s).

SET 5:
Today an increasing of elderly people live alone and care for themselves without any help from their children. Suggest ways society can help them. Decide on one or more effective way(s) to do this. Give for your choice(s).

SET 6:
Many drug addicts take drugs and commit crimes again after they are released from prison or rehabilitation centres. Discuss reasons for such repeat offences and suggest ways to prevent them from happening. Decide on one or more effective way(s) to do this. Give for your choice(s).

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Peer-Editing and Blue Paper

Assalamualaikum. Today class we have to bring laptop again. Yesterday, we have finished the self-editing. Today, we change my essay to Nadia Zamri and Nadia Salehin for second draft of my essay. She has to comment and give mark for my essay. I and Zubaidah do the same thing. We must comment their essay and do the peer-editing. So, they are my self-editing and peer-editing:


They are my essay that Nadia Zamri and Nadia Salehin commenting:


     Deputy Education Minister, Datuk Wee Ka Siong said, “Students would be allowed to bring hand phone to school starting 2013”. Mobile phones are believed to be useful in teaching and learning at schools. With mobile phones, students can access their lessons almost anywhere and anytime, said Quinn, 2000 and Mellow, 2005. Mobile phones could be considered as a motivational tool for learning. She has conducted many learning activities with mobile phones and these activities have shown positive outcomes, said Kolb, 2008. Although the government authorized students to bring hand phone to school, there are strong claims that bring hand phone to school will bring more negative result than positive ones.

     Bringing hand phones to school can give more benefits to secondary school students. Firstly, when the secondary school students bring hand phones to school, it can make lesson easier. According to Kolb (2008), hand phones which are popular among young students, might be measured as a motivational factor for learning. Besides that, through hand phones, young students are able to comprehend their lessons almost anywhere and at anytime. However, this statement is inconclusive. Those who disagree, saying that bringing hand phone to school might invite secondary school students to misuse the phone. (You must delete the comma) [k1] For example, students use the hand phones to taking and sharing unsuitable graphic materials. In addition, with bringing hand phone to school can help students to cheat in examinations easily. According to National Union of Teaching Profesion (NUTP) President, Hashim Adnan (2012), bringing hand phone to school it would create more disciplinary problems among the young students.

     Another point, with hand phone, it can gives many useful function and application for the hand phone. Sometimes, students need to calculate numbers in their Mathematics lesson or another subjects. So, with a hand phone students can use to calculate numbers in their Mathematics lesson or another subjects  (Do grammar correction =another subject) [k2] . Another reason, with hand phone, students can play the game that has quizzes in hand phones. It can help them to measure their performance. According to Shiratuddin & Zaibon (2009), mobile game based learning is a good function of hand phones for secondary school students.  What they say might be true. Nevertheless, bringing hand phone to school will give the negative impact to students. Hand phone will become a distraction in the student’s lesson. For example, new messages or incoming calls will surely disturb the secondary school student’s attention on what the teacher is teaching in front of the class. According Hashim Adnan (2012), bringing hand phone to secondary school would damage the young student’s concentration and can make more disciplinary problems.

     Lastly, the benefit of bringing hand phone to school among secondary school students is students can use the hand phone during emergency cases which may occur anytime. When the students become sick at the school, they have to return home late because of extra class or involve in accident, they can tell directly to her parents about it through the hand phone. Besides that, if the students are in a dangerous situation like being alone at the bus  stop (too much spacing)  [k3] or endanger by other students, they can call their parents or the polices for help. Another reason, when the students do homework and they do not know the meaning of sentences, they can use hand phone to search internet to find the meaning. To a certain extent they are right. Nevertheless, the emergency cases do not happen often especially when the students are in the school areas. Begin with bring hand phone to school, it can increase social problem among secondary school students. Students will use hand phones for online facebook,  (Capital F) [k4] twitter and so on. Besides that, they use the hand phones to messages their boyfriend or girlfriend and this can make a social problems among secondary students. According to Dr Wee (2012), many pregnant teenagers that’s ( the grammar is wrong. Please correct it) [k5] among young school students who are under the age of 18 and also unmarried.
     Due to the evidences that have been proven by the researchers, it is really clear that bringing hand phone to secondary school is distract the secondary school student’s attention and it also can make a disciplinary problems that can create increasing number of social problems among them.

Kolb, L. (2008) Toys to Tools. Eugene: International Society for Technology in Education.\
Sharifah, (2012) Are handphones and IT gadgets a necessity for students?. The Malaysian          Times. Retrieved December 3, 2012, from http://www.themalaysiantimes.com.my/are-         handphones-and-it-gadgets-a-necessity-for-students/
Shiratuddin, N. & Zaibon, S. (2009, December) Local content game: The preferred choice for       mobile learning space. Retrieved December 4, 2012 from             http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/auckland09/procs/norshuhada.pdf
Tan, E. L. (2012, July 16). Students can take handphones, IT gadgets to school from 2013. The   Star. Retrieved December  3, 2012, from       http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2012/7/16/nation/20120716193345&sec=nati    on
Technology Education (2006). Cell Phones: A Tool for Cheating. Retrieved December 4, 2012    from http://www.bamaed.ua.edu/edtechcases/case7.html

Monday, 4 March 2013


Assalamualaikum. How are you today? Today is week 12. Huh !!! Only 2 week before final exam. My class at Dewan Sri Peria. Miss Zu want to our class bring a laptop per group. We start our class with continue our forum from Sarah group. Their topic is "You are member of the Malaysian Nature Society. The members feel that pollution, caused by plastic bags in Malaysia, is increasing. How can the use of plastic bags in shopping complexes and supermarkets be reduced? Suggest few practical ways to solve the problem. Give reasons for your choice". After Sarah group done for their forum, Miss Zu give our class a piece of pink paper, blue paper, brown paper. It has 2 pages which are self-editing and peer editing. Today, Miss Zu want to us do self-editing. But I and Zubaidah were busy in editing the references. Miss Zu ends our class at 3.45 p.m. 

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Speaking Practice @ Forum

Assalamualaikum. Today we doing forum. First group is Izani group and a title is "The Cost of things has sky-rocketed over the last five years. Managing our finances is becoming more and more difficult. Discuss the reasons for the price increases and suggest some solutions to this problem". Second group is Ika Ahmad group and a title is "The Malaysian public is not very concerned about cleanliness and good maintenance of public amenities. Discuss what the problems are and how we can encourage and give awareness to the public on this issue". Third group is my group.. Fourth group is Fikri group and a title is "As Malaysian continues to develop at a fast pace, the consumption of electricity in the country increases as well. How can the Malaysian public reduce their consumption of electricity? Suggest the most effective ways of conserving electricity. Give reasons for your choice". Fifth group is Athirah groups and a title is "Many young girls strive very hard to be thin. Some of them starve themselves to look thin while others induce vomiting, This has resulted in teenage eating disorders which affects their health. As a concerned citizen, suggest the best solutions to this problems.Give your reasons for your choice". Last group is Nadia Salehin group but their group not present today because don't have much time. They group present next week. I think the best host is Fikri because he makes laugh. The best panel is Faiz Adha because I like when her speaks in English. 

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

References Of Term Paper

Assalamualaikum. Today Miss Zu teaches our class about references. We must be doing it for term paper and final exam. In text book, you turn to page 69 and 70. There are examples of references:


1. Book- Two or More Authors
Klass, N., & Klass, Z. (2006). World religions: Customs and functions: Tucson: University of Amazon Press. 

2. Book- Chapter in an Edited Book
Bartholomew, G. (2006). The clash of east and west in architecture: Practice and beliefs in building structures. In M. Jackson (Ed.). The engineering dilemma. (pp.145-172). London: Chestnut Press.
Norton, W.(2007). Companionship and cooking: Food for thought. In R. Gregory & J. George (Eds.), Cooking for singles (pp. 143-165). Sunvale, NJ: Talltree.

3. Newspaper Article
Kamal Azzuri. (2006, February 13). Students election takes campus by storm. Alorakar University Gazette, p. 24.


1. Web Site- Personal Author
Ghafar, H.K. (n.d). Home page. Retrieved May 6, 2010, from http://mypage.iu.edu/

2. Online Newspaper Article
Bead, R. (2008, March 17). Digital libraries on the rise. APB Daily News. Retrieved December 3, 2008, from http://www.apb.edu/daily.html

3. Online Scholarly Journal
S.L. Yeoh. (2004). Malay diaspora studies in the Philippines. Malays of the World, 26(3). Retrieved March 8, 2005, from http://www.asp.edu/nbe/mal.html

After Miss Zu had done explained about references, we are going to do speaking practice. She divided to 6 groups. I'm group number 4 and my group is Ika Kardi, Bariah, Ijat and Asyraf. Our title is "Youths today are generally not very patriotic to the country. Discuss the reasons for this situation and suggest ways to increase youths' awareness of patriotism and instill the love for one's country as well as how they can show their patriotism to their country. Miss Zu gives 30 minutes to discuss a forum. Then, Miss Zu said we are going to continue the forum at tomorrow class because don't have a time. That's all for today. See you tomorrow :)

Monday, 25 February 2013

Replacement Class @ Problem Solution Essay Games

Today we are two times class of BEL. Tonight is replacement class. At night class, we are doing problem solution essay. Miss Zu teaches our class about problem and solution essay. It has 2 patterns which are:


Problem 1, Problem 2, Problem 3
Solution 1, Solution 2, Solution 3


Problem 1, Solution 1
Problem 2, Solution 2
Problem 3, Solution 3

After Miss Zu had done explain about this essay, Miss Zu divided our class to 5 groups. I 'm group number 2 and Miss Zu give pattern 1 to make an essay. Each group has different topics and my group topic is "APPEARANCE OVER REALITY". There is our essay.

         In era globalization  the problem about the judgement is most popular now. Judgement is the act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event. Our mind setting , our personal background will influences people about something bad and lack confidence is the common problems about judgement. Thus in order to solve these judgement, parents should give proper educate to change the children’s perception on judge the people, increase the confidence level also can avoid people to easily judge by their appearance.

Our personal background very important to educate their children. According to Teale, 1993 the parental involvement in their children’s education, the most influential of these four elements described by Teale are the personal background and economic background of parents. In addition, parents must be teach our children between right and wrong. Therefore, what they learn from their parents of the lives will impact our children for rest of their lives.

One way to solve the problem is parents should educate their children with the proper education. It is because the children’s behavior in their life will be determined by how much their parents put into their life. According to Charles Desforges (2003), Parents should gives full attention and proper education to their children due to get a significant positive effect on children’s achievement and adjustment. It is because mostly the children will follow what their parents do and think. If the parents think bad negative on how they judge a people by looking their appearance  the children will easily to influenced and at the same time the mentally of the children will be negative .Thus, the parents should think the best way on how to educate their children.

Moreover,people tend to judge others on appearance because of their mind setting.People tend to say that you can not judge book by it cover but we are not apply this in our live.Such as when you meet someone for the first time you will judge that person roughly for 10 second.This happen so naturally,without we realize we always judge people by they looks.According to (Swami,2007) beauty and physical appearance are importance.This show that if we meet someone that have good looking faces or beautiful we will assume that person is a nice person or vise verse.

Therefore, we all have the ability to change our mind set. According to “How to change,”(nd), to change our core inner beliefs upon which we base our view of ourselves and of the world”. But changing our mind set is not an easy thing to do. Fortunately, our mind-set regarding certain aspects of our lives are malleable and are based on our choice of meaning we give to things. We must develop a positive mind set by positive thinking together with an attitude. In short,  we cannot judge people by it’s cover or appearances.

            Another problem is why people judge other on appearance are for security reason.People are not going to admit it but this is the reality that we must face it.People judge other because they want to make themselves feel confident and look good to others. Based on (Mess,2007)”most people are very worried about what other people think of them.”People view is more important that be our self.

Hence, we have to increase the level of self confidence. All people have their own advantage and disadvantages, so we did not have to feel embarrassed and blame to other people to pretend yourselves. here were surely times in your life, you felt yourself not confident enough to fight with the problems. . According to “How to increase,”(2007), there were surely times in your life, you felt yourself not confident enough to fight with the problems”. So, people have to boost their confidence to avoid people judge them easily.

In conclusion, there are many reaction of having looking on sight appearance over  entity of life. This bad behavior can affect our self by judgement from other people.It can causes mentality and narrow mindedness thinking that may lead to the first people judgement. It also come from secluded spectacle of family that can be affected to this problem.  Beside, lack of courageous also can affect the judgement from people view. As the result,people cannot have a bad perceptions towards people before they know them and parents should play their positive role in this situation towards their children.Therefore,there are many ways to overcome this problem.

Commenting Our First Draft

Assalamualaikum. Today is week 11. Fuh !!! We bring our laptop to the class because Miss Zu want to check first draft of term paper. Miss Zu said we need to changing our first draft with other group to commenting our first draft essay. I and Zubaidah change our essay to Fikri and Faiz Adha group. We think, her essay very good and best. We don't have any idea to commenting her essay. At the same time, Miss Zu give back our outline term paper. We get 3.75 marks because forgot to put transition signlas. Because of that, we lost 3 marks. Erh !!! There are commenting from Fikri and Faiz Adha group:

     Deputy Education Minister, Datuk Wee Ka Siong said, “Students would be allowed to bring hand phone to school starting 2013”. Mobile phones are believed to be useful in teaching and learning at schools by bringing mobile phones, students can access their lessons almost anywhere and anytime ,(Yes, absolutely true but if we let the students bringing their mobile phone at the school they may access many thing through internet. They will prefer using internet instead of books in the library which is more reliable than internet) said Quinn, 2000 and Mellow, 2005. Mobile phone could be considered as a motivational tool for learning. She has conducted many learning activities with mobile phone and these activities have shown positive outcomes, said Kolb, 2008. The government authorized students to bring hand phone to school, there are strong claims that bring hand phone to school will bring more negative result than positive.  Although the government authorized students to bring hand phone to school, there are strong claims that bringing hand phone to school will bring more negative result than positive ones.

     Bringing hand phones to school can give more benefits to secondary school students. Firstly, when the secondary school students bring hand phones to school, it can make lesson easier .(Please zubaidah and ani, refer to the expression of the opponents claim!!!!!) According to Kolb (2008) , hand phones which are popular among young students, might be measured as a motivational factor for learning. Besides that, through hand phones, young students are able to comprehend their lessons almost anywhere and at any time. However, this statement is inconclusive. Those who disagree, saying that bringing hand phone to school might invite secondary school students to misuse the phone. For example, students use the hand phones to taking and sharing unsuitable graphic materials. In addition, with bringing hand phone to school can help students to cheat in examinations easily. According to National Union of Teaching Profesion (NUTP) President, Hashim Adnan (2012), bringing hand phone to school would create more disciplinary problems among the young students.

     Another point, with hand phones, it can give many useful function and application for the hand phone(Students will more interested to playing game, downloading application, playing the application and many more rather than to focus on their study)  Sometimes, students need to calculate numbers in their Mathematics lesson or another subject. So, with a hand phone students can use to calculate numbers in their Mathematics lesson or another subject. Another reason, with hand phones, students can play the game that has quizzes in hand phones. It can help them to measure their performance. According to Shiratuddin & Zaibon (2009), mobile game based learning is a good function of hand phones for secondary school students.  What they say might be true. Nevertheless, bringing hand phone to school will give the negative impact to students. Hand phones will become a distraction in the student’s lesson(We agree with this statement because mobile phone at this age more advance with many applications and lead to expand the function of the mobile phone) For example, new messages or incoming calls will surely disturb the secondary school student’s attention on what the teacher is teaching in front of the class. According Hashim Adnan (2012), bringing hand phone to secondary school would damage the young student’s concentration and can make more disciplinary problems .

     Lastly, the benefit of bringing hand phones to school among secondary school students is students can use the hand phone during emergency cases which may occur anytime. When the students become sick at the school, they have to return home late because of extra class or involve in accident,(The reason is not strong enough.)  they can tell directly to her parents about it through by the hand phone. Besides that, if the students are in a dangerous situation like being alone at the bus stop or endanger by other students, they can call their parents or polices for help. Another reason, when the students do homework and they do not know the meaning of sentences, they can use hand phone to search internet to find the meaning. To a certain extent they are right. Nevertheless, the emergency cases do not happen often especially when the students are in the school areas. Begin with bring hand phone to school, it can increase social problem among secondary school students. Students will use hand phones for online facebook, twitter and so on. Besides that, they use the hand phones to messages their boyfriend or girlfriend and this can make a social problem among secondary students. According to Dr Wee (2012), many pregnant teenagers that are among young school students who are under the age of 18 and also unmarried.

     Due to the evidences that have been proven by the researchers, it is really clear that bringing hand phone to secondary school is distract the secondary school student’s attention and it also can make a disciplinary problems that can create increasing number of social problems among them.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Cause And Effect Games

Assalamualaikum. Today my class at computer lab. I thought Miss Zu want to check our blog but Miss Zu teach us about causes and effect essay. Miss Zu explain to our class about causes and effect essay. In text book, causes and effect essay at page 103 until 116. It essay have 5 pattern. 


Causes 1
Causes 2
Causes 3

Transition Paragraph, concluding the section on causes

Effects 1
Effects 2
Effects 3


Causes with topic sentences

Transition paragraph concluding the section on causes

Effects 1
Effects 2
Effects 3


Effects with topic sentences

Transition paragraph concluding the section on effects

Cause 1
Cause 2
Cause 3


Causes 1
Causes 2
Causes 3


Effects 1
Effects 2
Effects 3

After Miss Zu explained about causes and effect essay, she wants to do games. She divided us to 4 group then she want us do essay based on video that she showed. My group have 8 people which are Ana, Tira, Zu, I, Rozita, Nabila, Nadia and Nadia Salehin. Besides that, my group get pattern number one which is cause, effect, cause, effect, cause, effect. Based on video that Miss Zu showed, the appropriate title is "Overuse of Drugs". After we done the essay, we have to submit it to Miss Zu to check it. Before we end the class, Miss Zu remind us to do 1st draft the whole essay, blog updating and quiz 3,6 and 7. 

Tuesday, 19 February 2013



Monday, 18 February 2013


Assalamualaikum. Today I'm not attend to class because over slept. I'm sorry

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Before We Submit

Assalamualaikum. Today our class at computer lab. Our classmate still doing outlining term paper because date of submission before holiday. I and Zubaidah done finished the outlining and Miss Zu asked me and Zubaidah to change our outlining and commenting. I and Zubaidah changed our outlining to Sarah and Syafiqah group. Below are my group outlining:

I.  Introduction
Although the government authorized students to bring hand phone to school , there are strong claims that bringing hand phone to school will bring more negative result than positive ones.

II. Body paragraph
A)    Bringing hand phones to secondary school can make the lesson easier .

1. According to Kolb (2008) , hand phones which are popular among young students , might be measured as a motivational factor for learning . 
a) Through a hand phones , young students are able to comprehend their teaching almost anywhere and at anytime (Quinn, 2000; Mellow, 2005)

               Refutation : However , this statement is inconclusive .

2. Bringing hand phone to school may invite secondary students to misuse the phone .
a)  One of the misuses of hand phone is taking and sharing unsuitable graphic materials .
b) Bringing hand phone to school it  can help students to cheat in examinations easily .
i)  According to National Union of Teaching Profesion (NUTP) President , Hashim Adnan (2012) , bringing hand phone to school it would create more disciplinary problems among the young students .

B)    Many useful function and application for the hand phone .

1)  According to Shiratuddin & Zaibon (2009) , mobile game based learning is a good function of hand phone for secondary school students .
a)  Sometimes , students use the hand phone to calculate numbers in their Mathematics lesson or another subjects and with play the game that has quizzes can measure their performance .

                Refutation : Nevertheless , bringing hand phone to school will give the negative impact to students .

2. Hand phone will become a distraction in the student’s lesson .
a) New messages or incoming calls will surely disturb the secondary school student’s attention on what the teacher is teaching in front of the class .
 i)  According Hashim Adnan (2012) , bringing hand phone to secondary school would damage the young student’s concentration and can make more disciplinary problems .

C)    Students can use the hand phone during emergency cases which may occur anytime .

a) When the students become sick at the school , they have to return home late because of extra class or involve in accident , they can tell directly to her parents about it through the hand phone .
b) If the students are in a dangerous situation like being alone at the bus  stop or endanger by other students , they can call their parents or the polices for help .
c) When the students do homework and they do not know the meaning of sentences , they can use hand phone to search internet to find the meaning .

Refutation: To certain extent they are right. Nevertheless, the emergency cases do not happen often especially when the students are in the school areas. Begin with bring hand phone to school, it can create

2.  Increase social problem among secondary school students .
a)  Students use hand phone for online facebook , twitter and so on .
b) They use the hand phone to messages their boyfriend or girlfriend and this can make a social problem among secondary students .
i)       According to Dr Wee (2012) , many pregnant teenagers that’s among young school students who are under the age of 18 and also unmarried.

III .       Conclusion
Due to the evidences that have been proven by the researchers , it is really clear that bringing hand phone to secondary school is distract the secondary school student’s attention and it also can make a disciplinary problems that can create increasing number of social problems among them . 

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Outline Again

Assalamualaikum. Today we still do outline. I and Zubaidah try to finish it because we need to submit before Chinese New Year break. We just make a correction because Miss Zu said we do plagiarism. When I do plagiarism, our marks will deducted. I'm so worried when my marks low. So, I and Zubaidah do the outline carefully. Before class ended, we done complete my outline. 

Monday, 4 February 2013

Outline For Term Paper

Assalamualaikum. How are you today? Today, our class at Dewan Sri Peria. Miss Zu asked to bring our laptop because she wants to check our outlining for term paper. Miss Zu check it one by one groups. I and Zubaidah had finished doing the outlining but I don't know whether it is right or wrong. After Miss Zu checked our outlining, she was detect our mistake. She asked me about paraphrase the sentences. I and Zubaidah not remember to paraphrase all the sentences. Then, I and Zubaidah start paraphrase the sentences. Before we end the class, Miss Zu said that date of submission outline term paper before 8 February 2013. 

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Checking Introduction Term Paper

Assalamualaikum. How are you today? Today our class at lab. Miss Zu will check our introduction for term paper. My partner and I prepared three introduction. First group Miss Zu going to check will be Wawa and Nina group. While waiting Miss Zu checking our introduction, I and Zubaidah was checking our introduction and make corrections. We hoped Miss Zu accepted my introduction.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Thesis Statement Had Been Accepted

Today we are present our thesis statement and one of thesis statement had been accepted. Alhamdulillah. I and Zubaidah very happy when Miss Zu said "I accept your thesis statement". We prepared three thesis statement which are:

1)  Although the government authorized students to bring hand phone to school, there are strong claims that bringing hand phone to school will bring more negative result than positive ones.

2) However, hand phone has become one of the major addictions among secondary school students, although it can cause many social problems like take and share pornographic pictures or videos.

3) Due to the various negative impact and shortcomings they bring, bringing handphone school are not allowed.
So, the thesis statement that Miss Zu had been accepted are number 1.
"Although the government authorized students to bring hand phone to school, there are strong claims that bringing hand phone to school will bring more negative result than positive ones"

Monday, 28 January 2013

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Study In Library

Hye guys.. Today, we all go to PTDI to discuss about thesis statement for term paper.Sarah and Syafiqah Salleh help me for write thesis statement. 

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Presentation Thesis Statement Part 1

Today we are going to present about thesis statement for BEL 311 Term Paper. Faiz Adha and Fikri volunteer to present. Miss Zu was reject his Thesis Statement. The second partner is Salihin and Faiz. Miss Zu was accepted their thesis statement. Miss Zu said we all also do plagiarism. Huh!!  Miss Zu was accepted 4 group only which is Faiz and Salihin, Atikah and Dieba, Bariah and Inayah, Nina and Wawa. Congratulation. Before we dismiss our class, Miss Zu said tomorrow she do not enter the class but we still need to go to library for doing Thesis Statement. 

Monday, 21 January 2013

Class Cancel

Today, BEL 311 class cancel. 

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Writing The Introduction

Assalamualaikum.. Hye guys. How are you? Today, Miss Zu teaches about Writing The Introduction of essay.

The functions of introduction are:

1) It attracts the reader's interest to continue reading the essay or get the reader's attention.

2) It supplies background information needed to understand the essay.

3) It indicates a plan of the essay's development (optional).

4) Set tone for the rest of the essay.

There are three part of the introductory paragraph which are the hook, the transition and the thesis statement.  The Hook means designed to grab attention immediately and give some indication about the essay;s topic. The transition means moves the reader from the hook to the driving force of the essay. The thesis statement means makes the contract with the reader about what will be discussed without a blatant announcement.

There are 8 types of hook:

1) Personal examples

2) Quotations

3) Fact or statistics

4) Rhetorical questions

5) Current events

6) Contrast to the thesis statement

7) Definition

8) Funnel / Broad to specific / general statements

Back to our topic for term paper. Our topic is "Authorization of bringing hand phone among secondary school students: Is it really beneficial or a nuisance?" I and Zubaidah choose four types of hook which are current events, rhetorical questions, fact or statistics and contrast.